Source code for audiorename.meta

"""Extend the class ``MediaFile`` of the package ``phrydy``."""

import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from phrydy import MediaFileExtended
from tmep import Functions

import audiorename.musicbrainz as musicbrainz

Diff = List[Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str]]]
PerformerRaw = List[List[str]]

[docs] def compare_dicts(first: Dict[str, str], second: Dict[str, str]) -> Diff: """Compare two dictionaries for differenes. :param first: First dictionary to diff. :param second: Second dicationary to diff. :return: As list of key entries whose values differ. """ diff: Diff = [] for key, _ in sorted(first.items()): if key not in second: diff.append((key, first[key], None)) for key, _ in sorted(second.items()): if key not in first: diff.append((key, None, second[key])) all_keys: set[str] = set() for key, _ in first.items(): all_keys.add(key) for key, _ in second.items(): all_keys.add(key) for key in sorted(all_keys): if key in first and key in second and first[key] != second[key]: diff.append((key, first[key], second[key])) return diff
[docs] class Meta(MediaFileExtended):
[docs] def __init__(self, path: str, shell_friendly: bool = False): super(Meta, self).__init__(path, False) self.shell_friendly = shell_friendly
############################################################################### # Public methods ###############################################################################
[docs] def export_dict(self, sanitize: bool = True) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Export all fields into a dictionary. :param sanitize: Set the parameter to true to trigger the sanitize function. """ out: Dict[str, str] = {} for field in self.fields_sorted(): value = getattr(self, field) if value: if sanitize: out[field] = self._sanitize(str(value)) else: out[field] = value return out
def enrich_metadata(self) -> None: musicbrainz.set_useragent() if self.mb_trackid: recording = musicbrainz.query("recording", self.mb_trackid) else: print("No music brainz track id found.") return release = None if self.mb_albumid: release = musicbrainz.query("release", self.mb_albumid) if release and "release-group" in release: release_group = release["release-group"] types: List[str] = [] if "type" in release_group: types.append(release_group["type"]) if "primary-type" in release_group: types.append(release_group["primary-type"]) if "secondary-type-list" in release_group: types = types + release_group["secondary-type-list"] types = self._uniquify_list(types) self.releasegroup_types = "/".join(types).lower() work_id = "" if self.mb_workid: work_id = self.mb_workid elif recording: try: work_id = recording["work-relation-list"][0]["work"]["id"] except KeyError: pass if work_id: work_hierarchy = musicbrainz.query_works_recursively(work_id, []) if work_hierarchy: work_hierarchy.reverse() work_bottom = work_hierarchy[-1] if "artist-relation-list" in work_bottom: for artist in work_bottom["artist-relation-list"]: if ( artist["direction"] == "backward" and artist["type"] == "composer" ): self.composer = artist["artist"]["name"] self.composer_sort = artist["artist"]["sort-name"] break self.mb_workid = work_bottom["id"] = work_bottom["title"] wh_titles: List[str] = [] wh_ids: List[str] = [] for work in work_hierarchy: wh_titles.append(work["title"]) wh_ids.append(work["id"]) self.work_hierarchy = " -> ".join(wh_titles) self.mb_workhierarchy_ids = "/".join(wh_ids)
[docs] def remap_classical(self) -> None: """Remap some fields to fit better for classical music: ``composer`` becomes ``artist``, ``work`` becomes ``album``, from the ``title`` the work prefix is removed (``Symphonie No. 9: I. Allegro`` -> ``I. Allegro``) and ``track`` becomes the movement number. All overwritten fields are safed in the ``comments`` field. No combined properties (like ``ar_combined_composer``) are used and therefore some code duplications are done on purpose to avoid circular endless loops. """ safe: List[List[str]] = [] if self.title: safe.append(["title", self.title]) self.title = re.sub(r"^[^:]*: ?", "", self.title) roman = re.findall(r"^([IVXLCDM]*)\.", self.title) if roman: safe.append(["track", str(self.track)]) self.track = self._roman_to_int(roman[0]) if self.composer: safe.append(["artist", self.artist]) self.artist = self.composer if self.ar_combined_work_top: safe.append(["album", self.album]) self.ar_performer_short album = self.ar_combined_work_top if self.ar_performer_short: album += " (" + self.ar_performer_short + ")" self.album = album if safe: comments = "Original metadata: " for safed in safe: comments = comments + str(safed[0]) + ": " + str(safed[1]) + "; " self.comments = comments
############################################################################### # Class methods ############################################################################### @classmethod def fields_phrydy(cls): for field in sorted(MediaFileExtended.readable_fields()): yield field @classmethod def fields_audiorename(cls): for prop, _ in sorted(cls.__dict__.items()): if isinstance(getattr(cls, prop), property): if isinstance(prop, bytes): # On Python 2, class field names are bytes. This method # produces text strings. yield prop.decode("utf8", "ignore") else: yield prop
[docs] @classmethod def fields(cls): for field in cls.fields_phrydy(): yield field for field in cls.fields_audiorename(): yield field
@classmethod def fields_sorted(cls): for field in sorted(cls.fields()): yield field ############################################################################### # Static methods ############################################################################### @staticmethod def _find_initials(value: str) -> str: """ Find the first character of a string. :param str value: A string to extract the initials. :return: A single character in lowercase. The possible return values are lowercase letters from the ASCII alphabet (``a-z``), the digit ``0`` and the underscore character (``_``). """ # To avoid ae -> a value = Functions.tmpl_asciify(value) # To avoid “!K7-Compilations” -> “!” value = re.sub(r"^\W*", "", value) initial = value[0:1].lower() if re.match(r"\d", initial): return "0" if initial == "": return "_" return initial @staticmethod def _normalize_performer(ar_performer: List[str]) -> PerformerRaw: """ :param ar_performer: A list of raw ar_performer strings like .. code-block:: python ['John Lennon (vocals)', 'Ringo Starr (drums)'] :return: A list .. code-block:: python [ ['vocals', 'John Lennon'], ['drums', 'Ringo Starr'], ] """ out: PerformerRaw = [] for value in ar_performer: value = value[:-1] performers: List[str] = value.split(" (") if len(performers) == 2: out.append([performers[1], performers[0]]) return out @staticmethod def _roman_to_int(n: str) -> int: numeral_map = tuple( zip( (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1), ("M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I"), ) ) i = result = 0 for integer, numeral in numeral_map: while n[i : i + len(numeral)] == numeral: result += integer i += len(numeral) return result @staticmethod def _sanitize(value: Any) -> str: if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, bytes): value = Functions.tmpl_sanitize(str(value)) value = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", str(value)) else: value = "" return value @staticmethod def _shorten_performer( ar_performer: str, length: int = 3, separator: str = " ", abbreviation: str = ".", ) -> str: out = "" count = 0 for s in ar_performer.split(" "): if count < 3: if len(s) > length: part = s[:length] + abbreviation else: part = s out = out + separator + part count = count + 1 return out[len(separator) :] @staticmethod def _uniquify_list(sequence: List[Any]) -> List[Any]: """""" unique: List[Any] = [] for element in sequence: if not unique.count(element): unique.append(element) return unique ############################################################################### # Properties ############################################################################### @property def ar_classical_album(self) -> Optional[str]: """Uses: * ```` Examples: * ``Horn Concerto: I. Allegro`` → ``Horn Concerto`` * ``Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg`` """ if return re.sub(r":.*$", "", (str( return None @property def ar_combined_album(self) -> Optional[str]: """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.album`` Example: * ``Just Friends (Disc 2)`` → ``Just Friends`` """ if self.album: return re.sub(r" ?\([dD]is[ck].*\)$", "", str(self.album)) return None @property def ar_initial_album(self) -> Optional[str]: """Uses: * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_combined_album` Examples: * ``Just Friends`` → ``j`` * ``Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg`` → ``d`` """ if self.ar_combined_album: return self._find_initials(self.ar_combined_album) return None @property def ar_initial_artist(self) -> str: """Uses: * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_combined_artist_sort` Examples: * ``Just Friends`` → ``j`` * ``Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg`` → ``d`` """ return self._find_initials(self.ar_combined_artist_sort) @staticmethod def __remove_feat_vs_second_artist(artist: str) -> str: """Give only the first artist, remove the second after ``feat.``, ``ft.`` or ``vs.``""" return re.sub(r"\s+(feat|ft|vs)\.?\s.*", "", artist, flags=re.IGNORECASE) @property def ar_combined_artist(self) -> str: """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.albumartist`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.artist`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.albumartist_credit`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.artist_credit`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.albumartist_sort`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.artist_sort`` Removes the second artist after ``feat.``, ``ft.`` or ``vs.``. """ out: str if self.albumartist: out = self.albumartist elif self.artist: out = self.artist elif self.albumartist_credit: out = self.albumartist_credit elif self.artist_credit: out = self.artist_credit # Same as aristsafe_sort elif self.albumartist_sort: out = self.albumartist_sort elif self.artist_sort: out = self.artist_sort else: out = "Unknown" return Meta.__remove_feat_vs_second_artist(out) @property def ar_combined_artist_sort(self) -> str: """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.albumartist_sort`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.artist_sort`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.albumartist`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.artist`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.albumartist_credit`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.artist_credit`` Removes the second artist after ``feat.``, ``ft.`` or ``vs.``. """ out: str if self.albumartist_sort: out = self.albumartist_sort elif self.artist_sort: out = self.artist_sort # Same as ar_combined_artist elif self.albumartist: out = self.albumartist elif self.artist: out = self.artist elif self.albumartist_credit: out = self.albumartist_credit elif self.artist_credit: out = self.artist_credit else: out = "Unknown" out = Meta.__remove_feat_vs_second_artist(out) if self.shell_friendly: out = out.replace(", ", "_") return out @property def ar_initial_composer(self) -> str: """Uses: * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_combined_composer` """ return self._find_initials(self.ar_combined_composer) @property def ar_combined_composer(self) -> str: """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.composer_sort`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.composer`` * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_combined_artist` """ out: str = "" if self.composer_sort: out = self.composer_sort elif self.composer: out = self.composer else: out = self.ar_combined_artist if self.shell_friendly: out = out.replace(", ", "_") # e. g. 'Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus/Süßmeyer, Franz Xaver' return re.sub(r" ?/.*", "", out) @property def ar_combined_disctrack(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Generate a combination of track and disc number, e. g.: ``1-04``, ``3-06``. Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.disctotal`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.disc`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.tracktotal`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.track`` """ if not self.track: return None if self.disctotal and int(self.disctotal) > 99: disk = str(self.disc).zfill(3) elif self.disctotal and int(self.disctotal) > 9: disk = str(self.disc).zfill(2) else: disk = str(self.disc) if self.tracktotal and int(self.tracktotal) > 99: track = str(self.track).zfill(3) else: track = str(self.track).zfill(2) if self.disc and self.disctotal and int(self.disctotal) > 1: out = disk + "-" + track elif self.disc and not self.disctotal: out = disk + "-" + track else: out = track return out @property def ar_performer(self) -> str: """Uses: * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_performer_raw` """ out: str = "" for ar_performer in self.ar_performer_raw: out = out + ", " + ar_performer[1] out = out[2:] return out @property def ar_classical_performer(self) -> str: """ Uses: * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_performer_short` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.albumartist`` """ if len(self.ar_performer_short) > 0: out = self.ar_performer_short elif self.albumartist: out = re.sub(r"^.*; ?", "", self.albumartist) else: out = "" return out @property def ar_performer_raw(self) -> PerformerRaw: """Generate a unifed ar_performer list. Picard doesn’t store ar_performer values in m4a, alac.m4a, wma, wav, aiff. :return: A list .. code-block:: python [ ['conductor', 'Herbert von Karajan'], ['violin', 'Anne-Sophie Mutter'], ] Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.mgfile`` """ out: PerformerRaw = [] if ( self.format == "FLAC" or self.format == "OGG" ) and "performer" in self.mgfile: out = self._normalize_performer(self.mgfile["performer"]) if "conductor" in self.mgfile: out.insert(0, ["conductor", self.mgfile["conductor"][0]]) elif self.format == "MP3": # 4.2.2 TMCL Musician credits list if "TMCL" in self.mgfile: out = self.mgfile["TMCL"].people # 4.2.2 TIPL Involved people list # TIPL is used for producer if "TIPL" in self.mgfile: out = self.mgfile["TIPL"].people # 4.2.2 TPE3 Conductor/ar_performer refinement if len(out) > 0 and "conductor" not in out[0] and "TPE3" in self.mgfile: out.insert(0, ["conductor", self.mgfile["TPE3"].text[0]]) else: out = [] return self._uniquify_list(out) @property def ar_performer_short(self): """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.ar_performer_raw`` """ out: List[str] = [] performers = self.ar_performer_raw picked: PerformerRaw = [] for performer in performers: if performer[0] == "conductor" or performer[0] == "orchestra": picked.append(performer) if len(picked) > 0: performers = picked for performer in performers: if ( performer[0] == "producer" or performer[0] == "executive producer" or performer[0] == "balance engineer" ): pass elif ( performer[0] == "orchestra" or performer[0] == "choir vocals" or performer[0] == "string quartet" ): out.append( self._shorten_performer(performer[1], separator="", abbreviation="") ) else: out.append(performer[1].split(" ")[-1]) return ", ".join(out) @property def ar_combined_soundtrack(self): if ( self.releasegroup_types and "soundtrack" in self.releasegroup_types.lower() ) or (self.albumtype and "soundtrack" in self.albumtype.lower()): return True else: return False @property def ar_classical_title(self) -> Optional[str]: """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.title`` Example: * ``Horn Concerto: I. Allegro`` """ if self.title: return re.sub(r"^[^:]*: ?", "", self.title) return None @property def ar_classical_track(self) -> Optional[str]: """Uses: * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_classical_title` * :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta.ar_combined_disctrack` """ roman = None if self.ar_classical_title: roman = re.findall(r"^([IVXLCDM]*)\.", self.ar_classical_title) if roman: return str(self._roman_to_int(roman[0])).zfill(2) elif self.ar_combined_disctrack: return self.ar_combined_disctrack return None @property def ar_combined_work_top(self) -> Optional[str]: """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.work_hierarchy`` * ```` """ if self.work_hierarchy: return self.work_hierarchy.split(" -> ")[0] elif self.ar_classical_album: return self.ar_classical_album return None @property def ar_combined_year(self): """Uses: * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.original_year`` * ``phrydy.mediafile.MediaFile.year`` """ if self.original_year: return self.original_year elif self.year: return self.year