Source code for audiorename.message

"""Print messages on the command line."""

import typing
from collections import OrderedDict

import ansicolor
import phrydy
import tmep

import audiorename

from .args import all_fields

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .audiofile import AudioFile
    from .job import Job
    from .meta import Meta

class KeyValue:
    kv: "OrderedDict[str, str]"

    def __init__(self, color: bool = False):
        self.color = color
        self.kv = OrderedDict()

    def add(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
        self.kv[key] = value

    def result(self) -> str:
        out = ""
        for key, value in self.kv.items():
            key = key + ":"
            if self.color:
                key = ansicolor.yellow(key)
            out = out + key + " " + value + "\n"
        return out

    def result_one_line(self) -> str:
        out: typing.List[str] = []
        for key, value in self.kv.items():
            if self.color:
                key =
            out.append(key + "=" + str(value))

        return " ".join(out)

[docs] class Message: """Print messages on the command line interface. :param job: The `job` object. :type job: audiorename.job.Job """ color: bool verbose: bool one_line: bool def __init__(self, job: "Job"): self.color = job.cli_output.color self.verbose = job.cli_output.verbose self.one_line = job.cli_output.one_line self.max_field = self.max_fields_length() self.indent_width = 4 @staticmethod def max_fields_length() -> int: return phrydy.doc_generator.get_max_field_length(all_fields) def output(self, text: str = "") -> None: if self.one_line: print(text.strip(), end=" ") else: print(text) def template_indent(self, level: int = 1) -> str: return (" " * self.indent_width) * level def template_path(self, audio_file: "AudioFile") -> str: path: str if self.verbose: path = audio_file.abspath else: path = audio_file.short if self.color: if audio_file.type == "source": path = ansicolor.magenta(path) else: path = ansicolor.yellow(path) return path def next_file(self, audio_file: "AudioFile"): print() if self.verbose: path = audio_file.abspath else: path = audio_file.dir_and_file if self.color: path =, reverse=True) self.output(path) def action_one_path(self, message: str, audio_file: "AudioFile") -> None: self.status(message, status="progress") self.output(self.template_indent(2) + self.template_path(audio_file)) self.output() def action_two_path( self, message: str, source: "AudioFile", target: "AudioFile" ) -> None: self.status(message, status="progress") self.output(self.template_indent(2) + self.template_path(source)) self.output(self.template_indent(2) + "to:") self.output(self.template_indent(2) + self.template_path(target)) def best_format( self, best: typing.Literal["target", "source"], attr: str, source: "Meta", target: "Meta", ) -> None: source_attr = getattr(source, attr) target_attr = getattr(target, attr) if source_attr == target_attr and best == "target": self.output( "Best format: Source and target have the same formats," " use target." ) else: self.output( "Best format is “" + best + "” because of “" + attr + "”: " "(source: " + str(source_attr) + ", " "target: " + str(target_attr) + ")" ) def diff(self, key: str, value1: str, value2: str): key_width = self.max_field + 2 value2_indent = self.indent_width + key_width key += ":" key = key.ljust(self.max_field + 2) def quote(value: typing.Any): return "“" + str(value) + "”" value1 = quote(value1) value2 = quote(value2) if self.color: value1 = value2 = key = ansicolor.yellow(key) self.output(self.template_indent(1) + key + value1) self.output(" " * value2_indent + value2) def status_color( self, status: typing.Literal["ok", "error", "progress"] ) -> typing.Literal["yellow", "red", "green"]: if status == "progress": return "yellow" elif status == "error": return "red" else: return "green" def status(self, text: str, status: typing.Literal["ok", "error", "progress"]): if self.color: color = getattr(ansicolor, self.status_color(status)) text = color(text, reverse=True) self.output(self.template_indent(1) + text)
def job_info(job: "Job") -> None: versions = KeyValue(job.cli_output.color) versions.add("audiorename", audiorename.__version__) versions.add("phrydy", phrydy.__version__) versions.add("tmep", tmep.__version__) info = KeyValue(job.cli_output.color) info.add("Versions", versions.result_one_line()) info.add("Action", job.rename.move_action) info.add("Source", job.selection.source) if info.add("Target", if job.rename.cleaning_action == "backup": info.add("Backup folder", job.rename.backup_folder) if job.cli_output.verbose: info.add("Default", job.path_templates.default) info.add("Compilation", job.path_templates.compilation) info.add("Soundtrack", job.path_templates.soundtrack) print(info.result()) def stats(job: "Job") -> None: kv = KeyValue(job.cli_output.color) kv.add("Execution time", job.stats.timer.result()) kv.add("Counter", job.stats.counter.result()) print(kv.result())