Source code for audiorename.job

"""Collect all informations about the current job in a class."""

import configparser
import os
import time
import typing

from .args import ArgsDefault
from .message import Message

class Timer:
    begin: float = 0

    end: float = 0

    def start(self) -> None:
        self.begin = time.time()

    def stop(self) -> None:
        self.end = time.time()

    def result(self) -> str:
        return "{:.1f}s".format(self.end - self.begin)

class Counter:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._counters: typing.Dict[str, int] = {}

    def reset(self) -> None:
        self._counters = {}

    def count(self, counter: str) -> None:
        """Add one to number identified by a string.

        :param counter: A string to identify the counter

        :return: None
        if counter in self._counters:
            self._counters[counter] += 1
            self._counters[counter] = 1

    def get(self, counter: str) -> int:
        """Get the counter identify by a string.

        :param str counter: A string to identify the counter

        :return: The counter as a number
        :rtype: int

        if counter in self._counters:
            return self._counters[counter]
            return 0

    def result(self) -> str:
        out: typing.List[str] = []
        for counter, value in sorted(self._counters.items()):
            out.append(counter + "=" + str(value))

        if out:
            return " ".join(out)
            return "Nothing to count!"

class Statistic:
    counter = Counter()
    timer = Timer()

IniDataTypes = typing.Literal["boolean", "integer", "string"]

[docs] class Config: """The class ``Config`` is used to combine the two sources of settings (command line arguments and INI configuration file). The command line arguments override the values of the configuration file. This class is to be inherited by subclasses. Each subclass corresponds to a section of the INI configuration file. All settings are saved as private properties with leading underscore. The subclass provide for each private property a getter method (@property)""" _job: "Job" def __init__( self, job: "Job", section: str, options: typing.Dict[str, IniDataTypes] ): self._job = job for key, data_type in options.items(): value = None if getattr(job.args, key) is not None: value = getattr(job.args, key) elif job.config: for config in job.config: result = self.__get_value_from_config( config, section, key, data_type ) if result is not None: value = result if value is not None: setattr(self, "_" + key, value) def __get_value_from_config( self, config: configparser.ConfigParser, section: str, key: str, data_type: IniDataTypes, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Any]: try: if data_type == "boolean": return config.getboolean(section, key) elif data_type == "integer": return config.getint(section, key) else: return config.get(section, key) except (configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): pass return None
[docs] class SelectionConfig(Config): _source: typing.Optional[str] _target: typing.Optional[str] _source_as_target: typing.Optional[bool] @property def source(self) -> str: """The source path as an absolute path. It maybe a directory or a file.""" source: str if hasattr(self, "_source") and self._source: source = self._source else: source = "." return os.path.abspath(source) @property def target(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """The path of the target as an absolute path. It is always a directory. """ target: typing.Union[None, str] = None if hasattr(self, "_target"): target = self._target if self.source_as_target: if os.path.isdir(self.source): return os.path.abspath(self.source) else: return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.source)) elif target: return os.path.abspath(target) else: return os.getcwd() @property def source_as_target(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_source_as_target") and isinstance( self._source_as_target, bool ): return self._source_as_target return False
MoveAction = typing.Literal["move", "copy", "no_rename"] CleaningAction = typing.Literal["backup", "delete", "do_nothing"]
[docs] class RenameConfig(Config): _backup_folder: typing.Optional[str] _best_format: typing.Optional[bool] _dry_run: typing.Optional[bool] _move_action: typing.Optional[MoveAction] _cleaning_action: typing.Optional[CleaningAction] @property def backup_folder(self) -> str: if hasattr(self, "_backup_folder") and isinstance(self._backup_folder, str): return self._backup_folder return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "_audiorename_backups") @property def best_format(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_best_format") and isinstance(self._best_format, bool): return self._best_format return True @property def dry_run(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_dry_run") and isinstance(self._dry_run, bool): return self._dry_run return False @property def move_action(self) -> MoveAction: if hasattr(self, "_move_action") and self._move_action in [ "move", "copy", "no_rename", ]: return self._move_action return "move" @property def cleaning_action(self) -> CleaningAction: if hasattr(self, "_cleaning_action") and self._cleaning_action in [ "backup", "delete", "do_nothing", ]: return self._cleaning_action return "do_nothing"
[docs] class FiltersConfig(Config): _album_complete: typing.Optional[bool] _album_min: typing.Optional[int] _extension: typing.Optional[str] _genre_classical: typing.Optional[str] _field_skip: typing.Optional[str] @property def album_complete(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_album_complete") and isinstance(self._album_complete, bool): return self._album_complete return False @property def album_min(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: if hasattr(self, "_album_min") and isinstance(self._album_min, int): return self._album_min return None @property def extension(self) -> typing.List[str]: extension: str if hasattr(self, "_extension") and isinstance(self._extension, str): extension = self._extension else: extension = "mp3,m4a,flac,wma" return extension.split(",") @property def genre_classical(self) -> typing.List[str]: genre_classical: str if hasattr(self, "_genre_classical") and isinstance(self._genre_classical, str): genre_classical = self._genre_classical else: genre_classical = "," return list(filter(str.strip, genre_classical.lower().split(","))) @property def field_skip(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: if hasattr(self, "_field_skip") and isinstance(self._field_skip, str): return self._field_skip return None
[docs] class TemplateSettingsConfig(Config): _classical: typing.Optional[bool] _shell_friendly: typing.Optional[bool] _no_soundtrack: typing.Optional[bool] @property def classical(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_classical") and isinstance(self._classical, bool): return self._classical return False @property def shell_friendly(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_shell_friendly") and isinstance(self._shell_friendly, bool): return self._shell_friendly return False @property def no_soundtrack(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_no_soundtrack") and isinstance(self._no_soundtrack, bool): return self._no_soundtrack return False
[docs] class PathTemplatesConfig(Config): """A class to store the selected or configured path templates. This class can be accessed under the attibute path_templates of the Job class.""" _default_template: typing.Optional[str] _compilation_template: typing.Optional[str] _soundtrack_template: typing.Optional[str] _classical_template: typing.Optional[str] @property def _is_classical(self) -> bool: return self._job.template_settings.classical @property def default(self) -> str: """Get the default path template.""" if self._is_classical: return self.classical if hasattr(self, "_default_template") and isinstance( self._default_template, str ): return self._default_template return ( "$ar_initial_artist/" "%shorten{$ar_combined_artist_sort}/" "%shorten{$ar_combined_album}" "%ifdefnotempty{ar_combined_year,_${ar_combined_year}}/" "${ar_combined_disctrack}_%shorten{$title}" ) @property def compilation(self) -> str: """Get the path template for compilations.""" if self._is_classical: return self.classical if hasattr(self, "_compilation_template") and isinstance( self._compilation_template, str ): return self._compilation_template return ( "_compilations/" "$ar_initial_album/" "%shorten{$ar_combined_album}" "%ifdefnotempty{ar_combined_year,_${ar_combined_year}}/" "${ar_combined_disctrack}_%shorten{$title}" ) @property def soundtrack(self) -> str: """Get the path template for soundtracks.""" if self._is_classical: return self.classical if self._job.template_settings.no_soundtrack: return self.default if hasattr(self, "_soundtrack_template") and isinstance( self._soundtrack_template, str ): return self._soundtrack_template return ( "_soundtrack/" "$ar_initial_album/" "%shorten{$ar_combined_album}" "%ifdefnotempty{ar_combined_year,_${ar_combined_year}}/" "${ar_combined_disctrack}_${artist}_%shorten{$title}" ) @property def classical(self) -> str: """Get the path template for classical music.""" if hasattr(self, "_classical_template") and isinstance( self._classical_template, str ): return self._classical_template return ( "$ar_initial_composer/$ar_combined_composer/" "%shorten{$ar_combined_work_top,48}" "_[%shorten{$ar_classical_performer,32}]/" "${ar_combined_disctrack}_%shorten{$ar_classical_title,64}" "%ifdefnotempty{acoustid_id,_%shorten{$acoustid_id,8}}" )
[docs] class CliOutputConfig(Config): _color: typing.Optional[bool] _debug: typing.Optional[bool] _job_info: typing.Optional[bool] _mb_track_listing: typing.Optional[bool] _one_line: typing.Optional[bool] _stats: typing.Optional[bool] _verbose: typing.Optional[bool] @property def color(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_color") and isinstance(self._color, bool): return self._color return True @property def debug(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_debug") and isinstance(self._debug, bool): return self._debug return False @property def job_info(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_job_info") and isinstance(self._job_info, bool): return self._job_info return False @property def mb_track_listing(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_mb_track_listing") and isinstance( self._mb_track_listing, bool ): return self._mb_track_listing return False @property def one_line(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_one_line") and isinstance(self._one_line, bool): return self._one_line return False @property def stats(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_stats") and isinstance(self._stats, bool): return self._stats return False @property def verbose(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_verbose") and isinstance(self._verbose, bool): return self._verbose return False
[docs] class MetadataActionsConfig(Config): _enrich_metadata: typing.Optional[bool] _remap_classical: typing.Optional[bool] @property def enrich_metadata(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_enrich_metadata") and isinstance( self._enrich_metadata, bool ): return self._enrich_metadata return False @property def remap_classical(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, "_remap_classical") and isinstance( self._remap_classical, bool ): return self._remap_classical return False
[docs] class Job: """Holds informations of one job which can handle multiple files. A jobs represents one call of the program on the command line. This class unifies and processes the data of the `argparse` and the `configparser` call. It groups the `argparse` and the `configparser` key-value pairs into parent properties. The properties of this class for example can be used to display easily an overview message of the job. """ stats = Statistic() args: ArgsDefault config: typing.Optional[typing.List[configparser.ConfigParser]] = None def __init__(self, args: ArgsDefault): self.args = args if args.config is not None: self.config = self.__read_config(args.config) self.msg = Message(self) def __read_config( self, file_paths: typing.List[str] ) -> typing.List[configparser.ConfigParser]: configs: typing.List[configparser.ConfigParser] = [] for file_path in file_paths: config = configparser.ConfigParser() configs.append(config) return configs @property def selection(self) -> SelectionConfig: return SelectionConfig( self, "selection", {"source": "string", "target": "string", "source_as_target": "boolean"}, ) @property def rename(self) -> RenameConfig: return RenameConfig( self, "rename", { "backup_folder": "string", "best_format": "boolean", "dry_run": "boolean", "move_action": "string", "cleaning_action": "string", }, ) @property def filters(self) -> FiltersConfig: return FiltersConfig( self, "filters", { "album_complete": "boolean", "album_min": "integer", "extension": "string", "genre_classical": "string", "field_skip": "string", }, ) @property def template_settings(self) -> TemplateSettingsConfig: return TemplateSettingsConfig( self, "template_settings", { "classical": "boolean", "shell_friendly": "boolean", "no_soundtrack": "boolean", }, ) @property def path_templates(self) -> PathTemplatesConfig: return PathTemplatesConfig( self, "path_templates", { "default_template": "string", "compilation_template": "string", "soundtrack_template": "string", "classical_template": "string", }, ) @property def cli_output(self) -> CliOutputConfig: return CliOutputConfig( self, "cli_output", { "color": "boolean", "debug": "boolean", "job_info": "boolean", "mb_track_listing": "boolean", "one_line": "boolean", "stats": "boolean", "verbose": "boolean", }, ) @property def metadata_actions(self) -> MetadataActionsConfig: return MetadataActionsConfig( self, "metadata_actions", { "enrich_metadata": "boolean", "remap_classical": "boolean", }, )