Source code for audiorename.audiofile

"""This module contains all functionality on the level of a single audio file."""

import errno
import os
import re
import shutil
import traceback
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional

import phrydy
from tmep import Functions, Template
from tmep.format import asciify, delchars, deldupchars, replchars

from .job import Job
from .meta import Meta, compare_dicts

DestinationType = Literal["source", "target"]

[docs] class AudioFile: """ :param path: The path string of the audio file. :param job: The current `job` object. :param string file_type: Either “source” or “target”. :param string prefix: The path prefix of the audio file, for example the base folder of your music collection. Used to shorten the path strings in the progress messaging. """ __path: str type: DestinationType job: Job __prefix: Optional[str] def __init__( self, path: str, job: Job, file_type: DestinationType = "source", prefix: Optional[str] = None, ): self.__path = path self.type = file_type self.job = job self.__prefix = prefix self.shorten_symbol = "[…]" @property def shell_friendly(self): if not self.job: return True else: return self.job.template_settings.shell_friendly @property def meta(self) -> Optional[Meta]: if self.exists: try: return Meta(self.abspath, self.shell_friendly) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e) print("".join(tb.stack.format())) return None @property def abspath(self) -> str: """The absolute path of the audio file.""" return os.path.abspath(self.__path) @property def prefix(self): if self.__prefix and len(self.__prefix) > 1: if self.__prefix[-1] != os.path.sep: return self.__prefix + os.path.sep else: return self.__prefix @property def exists(self): return os.path.exists(self.abspath) @property def extension(self) -> str: """The file extension of the audio file.""" return self.abspath.split(".")[-1].lower() @property def short(self) -> str: if self.prefix: short = self.abspath.replace(self.prefix, "") else: short = os.path.basename(self.abspath) return self.shorten_symbol + short @property def filename(self) -> str: """The file name of the audio file.""" return os.path.basename(self.abspath) @property def dir_and_file(self) -> str: """The parent directory name and the file name.""" path_segments = self.abspath.split(os.path.sep) return os.path.sep.join(path_segments[-2:])
class MBTrackListing: def __init__(self): self.counter = 0 def format_audiofile(self, album: str, title: str, length: int) -> str: self.counter += 1 m, s = divmod(length, 60) mmss = "{:d}:{:02d}".format(int(m), int(s)) output = "{:d}. {:s}: {:s} ({:s})".format(self.counter, album, title, mmss) output = output.replace("Op.", "op.") return output.replace("- ", "") mb_track_listing = MBTrackListing()
[docs] def find_target_path(target: str, extensions: List[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Get the path of a existing audio file target. Search for audio files with different extensions. """ target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] for extension in extensions: audio_file = target + "." + extension if os.path.exists(audio_file): return audio_file return None
[docs] def detect_best_format(source: Meta, target: Meta, job: Job) -> DestinationType: """ :param source: The metadata object of the source file. :param target: The metadata object of the target file. :param job: The `job` object. :return: Either the string `source` or the string `target` """ def get_highest(dictionary: Dict[Any, DestinationType]) -> DestinationType: out: DestinationType = "target" for _, value in sorted(dictionary.items()): out = value return out if source.format == target.format: bitrates: Dict[int, Literal["source", "target"]] = {} bitrates[source.bitrate] = "source" bitrates[target.bitrate] = "target" best = get_highest(bitrates) job.msg.best_format(best, "bitrate", source, target) return best else: # All types: # # 'aac' # 'aiff' # 'alac': Apple Lossless Audio Codec (losless) # 'ape' # 'asf' # 'dsf' # 'flac' # 'mp3' # 'mpc' # 'ogg' # 'opus' # 'wv': WavPack (losless) ranking = { "flac": 10, "alac": 9, "aac": 8, "mp3": 5, "ogg": 2, "wma": 1, } types = {} types[ranking[source.type] if source.type in ranking else 0] = "source" types[ranking[target.type] if target.type in ranking else 0] = "target" best = get_highest(types) job.msg.best_format(best, "type", source, target) return best
[docs] def process_target_path(meta: Meta, format_string: str, shell_friendly: bool = True): """ :param dict meta: The to a dictionary converted attributes of a meta object :class:`audiorename.meta.Meta`. :param string format_string: :param boolean shell_friendly: """ template = Template(format_string) functions = Functions(meta) target = template.substitute(meta, functions.functions()) if isinstance(target, str): if shell_friendly: target = asciify(target) target = delchars(target, "().,!\"'’") target = replchars(target, "-", " ") # asciify generates new characters which must be sanitzed, e. g.: # ¿ -> ? target = delchars(target, ':*?"<>|\\~&{}') target = deldupchars(target) return re.sub(r"\.$", "", target)
[docs] class Action: """ :param job: The `job` object. :type job: audiorename.job.Job """ job: Job def __init__(self, job: Job): self.job = job self.dry_run = job.rename.dry_run def count(self, counter_name: str): self.job.stats.counter.count(counter_name) def cleanup(self, audio_file: AudioFile): if self.job.rename.cleaning_action == "backup": self.backup(audio_file) elif self.job.rename.cleaning_action == "delete": self.delete(audio_file) def backup(self, audio_file: AudioFile): backup_file = AudioFile( os.path.join( self.job.rename.backup_folder, os.path.basename(audio_file.abspath) ), job=self.job, file_type="target", ) self.job.msg.action_two_path("Backup", audio_file, backup_file) self.count("backup") if not self.dry_run: self.create_dir(backup_file) shutil.move(audio_file.abspath, backup_file.abspath) def copy(self, source: AudioFile, target: AudioFile): self.job.msg.action_two_path("Copy", source, target) self.count("copy") if not self.dry_run: self.create_dir(target) shutil.copy2(source.abspath, target.abspath) def create_dir(self, audio_file: AudioFile): path = os.path.dirname(audio_file.abspath) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def delete(self, audio_file: AudioFile): self.job.msg.action_one_path("Delete", audio_file) self.count("delete") if not self.dry_run: os.remove(audio_file.abspath) def move(self, source: AudioFile, target: AudioFile): self.job.msg.action_two_path("Move", source, target) self.count("move") if not self.dry_run: self.create_dir(target) shutil.move(source.abspath, target.abspath) def metadata( self, audio_file: AudioFile, enrich: bool = False, remap: bool = False ) -> None: if not audio_file.meta: raise Exception("The given audio file has no meta property.") meta = audio_file.meta pre = meta.export_dict(sanitize=False) def single_action( meta: Meta, method_name: Literal["enrich_metadata", "remap_classical"], message: str, ): pre = meta.export_dict(sanitize=False) method = getattr(meta, method_name) method() post = meta.export_dict(sanitize=False) diff = compare_dicts(pre, post) if diff: self.count(method_name) self.job.msg.output(message) for change in diff: self.job.msg.diff(change[0], change[1], change[2]) if enrich: single_action(meta, "enrich_metadata", "Enrich metadata") if remap: single_action(meta, "remap_classical", "Remap classical") post = meta.export_dict(sanitize=False) diff = compare_dicts(pre, post) if not self.dry_run and diff:
def do_job_on_audiofile(source_path: str, job: Job): def count(key: str): job.stats.counter.count(key) skip = False action = Action(job) source = AudioFile(source_path, job=job, prefix=os.getcwd(), file_type="source") if not job.cli_output.mb_track_listing: job.msg.next_file(source) if not source.meta: skip = True ## # Skips ## if skip: job.msg.status("Broken file", status="error") count("broken_file") return ## # Output only ## if not source.meta: raise Exception("source.meta must not be empty.") if job.cli_output.mb_track_listing: print( mb_track_listing.format_audiofile( source.meta.album, source.meta.title, source.meta.length ) ) return if job.cli_output.debug: phrydy.print_debug( source.abspath, Meta, Meta.fields, job.cli_output.color, ) return if job.filters.field_skip and ( not hasattr(source.meta, job.filters.field_skip) or not getattr(source.meta, job.filters.field_skip) ): job.msg.status("No field", status="error") count("no_field") return ## # Metadata actions ## if job.metadata_actions.remap_classical or job.metadata_actions.enrich_metadata: action.metadata( source, job.metadata_actions.enrich_metadata, job.metadata_actions.remap_classical, ) if ( source.meta.genre is not None and getattr(source.meta, "genre", "").lower() in job.filters.genre_classical ): if not job.metadata_actions.remap_classical: action.metadata(source, job.metadata_actions.enrich_metadata, True) ## # Rename action ## if job.rename.move_action != "no_rename": if ( source.meta.genre is not None and getattr(source.meta, "genre", "").lower() in job.filters.genre_classical ): format_string = job.path_templates.classical elif source.meta.ar_combined_soundtrack: if job.args.no_soundtrack and source.meta.comp: format_string = job.path_templates.compilation else: format_string = job.path_templates.soundtrack elif source.meta.comp: format_string = job.path_templates.compilation else: format_string = job.path_templates.default meta_dict = source.meta.export_dict() desired_target_path = process_target_path( meta_dict, format_string, job.template_settings.shell_friendly ) # Remove the leading path separator to prevent the audio files from # ending up in a folder other than the target folder. desired_target_path = re.sub(r"^" + os.path.sep + r"+", "", desired_target_path) desired_target_path = os.path.join(, desired_target_path + "." + source.extension ) desired_target = AudioFile( desired_target_path, job=job,, file_type="target", ) # Do nothing if source.abspath == desired_target.abspath: job.msg.status("Renamed", status="ok") count("renamed") return # Search existing target target = False target_path = find_target_path(desired_target.abspath, job.filters.extension) if target_path: target = AudioFile( target_path, job=job,, file_type="target" ) # Both file exist if target: if not target.meta: raise Exception("target.meta must not be empty.") best = detect_best_format(source.meta, target.meta, job) if job.rename.cleaning_action: # delete source if not job.rename.best_format or ( job.rename.best_format and best == "target" ): action.cleanup(source) # delete target if job.rename.best_format and best == "source": action.cleanup(target) # Unset target object to trigger copy or move actions. target = None if target: job.msg.status("Exists", status="error") # copy elif job.rename.move_action == "copy": action.copy(source, desired_target) # move elif job.rename.move_action == "move": action.move(source, desired_target)